just to let you know, i won't be updating anytime soon..
i have my gmdss exam (it's about radio communication and sending distress at sea) coming up and i really REALLY need to hammer this down.. if i fail it, it'll cost me 105 quid. ':s oh yeah..
so, don't miss me too much!
i'm out.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
got frequencies on the brain
Posted by
11:51 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
happy birthday everyone!
i just realised that there were a lot of birthdays in november! so, this is a special post to all the november babies!
yours truly, ME
that's all i can remember at the top of my head.. sorry if i missed the people that i should know out. happy birthday to you too.. ':)
as a present from me, i give you a personal video! it's an old one but i think it's nice and have been meaning to post it. it's me, ali (behind the camera) and a few friends from brunei hall (amir & cameo of asri) jamming one morning. apologies for the drumming. it might not be nice.. it was all spontaneous. enjoy birthday people!
Posted by
11:18 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
at keele with the keelians
what a long and tiring week i had.. all suited like a fireman, i learned which fire extinguishers to use on what kind of fires, how to hose down of nasty fires and being a hero saving dummies from a burning building. it was exhausting indeed.. a lot of carrying around long hoses, being around scorching infernos and i can still feel the pain on my shoulders from carrying those heavy air tanks on my back. and how much portion of the training was on "saving a cute little kittens 1 of 9 lives from a tree"? NONE! yup, don't be fooled people.. being a fire defender is not all about being up a ladder and saving mr. snowballs.
and to top of the draining week, i had a terrible thursday.. this too, i'm afraid, is undisclosed for now. don't ask, cause i won't talk about it.. let's just say that it'll change my life.. well, if it happens, that is..
moving on! so, to let loose and refresh. i decided, very suddenly, to spend the weekend at my sister's place and see how she's getting along! ':) it was the perfect time to visit. i was free on friday and my next short course won't be till tuesday. so, it'll make the long trip worthwhile. i called her up and told her to expect me the next day! she was very surprised but eager of my arrival nonetheless.
it took me a good 4 hours to get to keele. thank lord for the invention of ipods. i don't want to bore you people with the details.. there was a lot hanging outs in the kitchen, an open house at one of the freshies, watched an awesome movie; the prestige (watch it, it's good!), bought almost one of everthing in tesco and a tour of the campus. that place is huge! oh, and i also dyed my hair red! haha! nothing too bright.. the girls were bored, so they made an evening out of me.
i'm out!
Posted by
10:17 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
not much to post today.. just thought i'd add some pics to show people..
well.. actually, i did have a great time in london last weekend.. i should write about that.. hmmm... nah.. maybe next time.. too lazy now.
an advert poster for mobile phones! haha!
me being a host!
me with two very lovely ladies
shopping in portsmouth
omg! an actualy dorayaki! i've wondered what it would be like in real life..
the maroon family!
Posted by
10:06 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
hey everybody..
just a quick post this time.. i want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday! it meant so much to me. you have no idea.. thank you so much. ':)
i wanted to post a deep and meaningful birthday post but decided not to.. in short, my 21 was full of ups and downs. and i'm sure my 22 will be the same. i celebrated my birthday quietly.. just hung out in my room watching tv. bought myself a few presents.. that's all really.. nothing blog-worthy..
i can't wait to go to london tomorrow! bsu raya celebration is this weekend! it's gonna be so awesome! some of my old friends will be there and my sister's gonna be there! can't wait to see them all!
ummmm.. what else shall i share, while i'm still online blogging. oh ok..
1. the season 4 of the o.c. is airing.. i cannot believe what happened.. (sorry for sounding like a 16-year-old teenage girl..) but seriously, it's just.. omg.. you have to see it.. i don't wanna spoil it for everyone..
2. no more classes! yup! i only have short courses to do and i'm off after that! i should fly home sometime in december.
3. i'm in dying need to cut my hair.
4. i've started reading novels again. current book: labyrinth by kate mosse
can't think of anything else.. so, i'm off.
thanks again for the wishes people! i wished i got to celebrate it with you guys..
Posted by
11:14 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
i love the internet
i love the internet.. a major part of knowledge.. endless amounts of information.. especially useless ones too! hehe. i was really bored last night, i finished watching what tv shows i had on my harddisk, so i turned to the internet for some entertainment.. and here are some of my favourites! a couple of them are in japanese but you'll know what's going on.. i love the cute kid playing table tennis! the one in yellow! super cute!
watch and enjoy!
Easy Game - video powered by Metacafe
Jay Leno - Phony Photo Booth - video powered by Metacafe
Do Not Laugh - video powered by Metacafe
Posted by
11:35 AM