Sunday, December 23, 2007

the year is ending

the new year is almost upon us and i have yet to come up with a plan on how to spend it. like every year, the empire hotel is having the new year celebration with loud music and of course, fireworks. i'm almost certain i won't be going because i have no one to go with. no offense to my friends who ARE in brunei. i'm sure you'd want to spend it with your other half and i really don't feel like welcoming the new year as a third wheel. actually, i don't think there's anyone i know who is single. but that's another whole long topic, which i shall avoid right now.

since i've been back, it seems i haven't done much and yet i've been out almost every day. today is actually the first day i've stayed at home. although, i shouldn't count my chickens just yet, there's still 9 more hours till the day ends.

i watched national treasure the other day and i have to say, it's a really good movie. nice intro, nice plot, nice action sequences and the ending was satisfactory. definitely recommended. i haven't watched the first one so, i might get the dvd for that.

i've been looking around for a new laptop. my current one is old, can't be seen in public, slow (for me.. even though it's much faster than most) and most importantly, can't play games decently! i'm fairly OK with computers. but i'm mostly blurry with what makes a computer good, like graphics card, processor and other computer specs, which i have no clue. so, i've been doing a lot of research on it and i've a better understanding now. the mall has a tech show and i've been looking around. i've found the one i want but there's no guarantee that it'll arrive before i go back to uk. that completely pissed me off cause i'm not a big shopper. and when i finally do want something, i have to have it or else i'd buy something else to scratch that splurging itch. that's why i'm looking for a guitar now. even though i've said that, i'm still contemplating. should i bring it with me to uk? will it survive the flight? won't i have excess baggage? should i just leave it here and buy myself a new one over there (which i'll be leaving it at my sister's.. maybe.. hehe)

anyhow, merry christmas everyone!

Monday, December 17, 2007

our body is icky

i would like to start things off with something we all can relate. our bodies. specifically, it's nasty functions. smelly sweats, farty bottoms and slimy noses to name a few. but why? why do we all have these disgusting functions? let's find out.

perspiring like a pig

sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling us down. Although it may feel as if the sweat or perspiration is making us hotter, especially on warm days, without sweat, we would not be able to tolerate the heat our bodies would produce.

We sweat in order to keep the body at its normal temperature, which is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). If we lost this bodily function we could suffer from heatstroke in hot weather.

Think of all the food the body takes in each day. This has to be burned off somehow. The burning of this food produces heat within the body which triggers our brain to kick start the body’s natural cooling process. Inside the human body are long, twisting tubes of cells known as the sweat glands. The blood vessels in our skin open and the fluid is released through our pores.

There are approximately 2 million sweat glands in our body. We may not realize it but we perspire even when it is a cold day and we are not doing anything particularly strenuous. The body is two-thirds water and we lose a great amount of this every day through sweating. This is why it is so important to drink approximately 2 liters of water each day in order to replenish the lost fluids.

Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating -- usually on the palms of the hand or the armpits -- that is not caused by emotional or physical activity is called diaphoresis or hyperhidrosis. It is often an embarrassing condition. The cause or causes are unknown, but the condition may be due to the following:

  • hormonal imbalances (e.g., menopause in women)
  • overactive thyroid gland (The thyroid hormone increases body metabolism and heat production.)
  • certain foods and medications (e.g., coffee with its high amounts of caffeine)
  • overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system

B.O.? please go..

Body odour is caused by a natural process involving sweat that occurs on the skin's surface. Sweat is odourless, but if left on the skin the bacteria that normally live there feed on it and break it down. This process releases chemicals that cause the unpleasant smell.

Some areas of the skin, such as the armpits and genitals, are more likely to produce body odour because these glands produce proteins and oily substances that bacteria feed on.

Sweat elsewhere in the body is mostly salty water, which bacteria don't thrive on so easily.

The feet produce their own characteristic odour. We tend to wrap them in socks and shoes, making them hot and humid and allowing fungi, as well as bacteria, to flourish.

Body odour may be influenced by diet. Certain foods, such as curry, garlic and strong spices, contain chemicals that may be excreted in the skin.

The smell almost always disappears with a shower or bath, but can return rapidly, especially if a person puts on unwashed clothes covered in old sweat and bacteria.

ummmm... that wasn't me.

the gas that makes up a fart comes from two sources: more originates from the breakdown of food by the digestive system, and some is from swallowed air. In the first case, foodstuffs are broken down by enzymes, stomach acids, and intestinal bacteria in order for the energy in them to be made available to the body.

Through the processes of digestion and fermentation, gases can be liberated from what's eaten. In the second case, air that a person swallows from eating, drinking, breathing, chewing gum, and being stressed, among other ways of entry, that's not expelled during a burp travels through the stomach and intestine, transforming into fart-ready mode.

In either case, the gases flow down through the rest of the digestive tract and eventually exit the body — Poof! Ping! Pfft! Toot-toot! Kaboom! — expelled as a fart, or farts. And this silent or noisy expulsion of air can help bring about some relief and comfort from a buildup of gas within the lower part of the body.

To clear out a room you'd want to eat a lot of eggs, cauliflower, or meat.


there are a few reasons why our nose run.

when you're sick - your nose goes into mucus-making overdrive to keep the germ invaders out of your lungs and the rest of your body, where they might make you even sicker than you already are. You know what happens then: The mucus runs down your throat, out your nose, or into a tissue when you blow your nose. Or it can fill your sinuses, which is why you get that stuffy feeling.

when you cry - When you cry, tears come out of the tear glands under your eyelids and drain through the tear ducts that empty into your nose. Tears mix with mucus there and your nose runs.

when it's cold outside - When you're outside on a cold day, the air in your nose is a lot warmer than the air around you. You know how the bathroom gets steamy when you take a shower? Something similar happens in your nose - water drops come together, or condense. Then the drops mix with your mucus and run out your nose.

when you eat spicy food - most spicy foods contain something called "capsaicin," a chemical found in peppers. When ingested, it's believed to affect "the quantity and thickness of mucus and other fluids secreted in the nasal passages." In other words, it's a kind a nasal decongestant.

i hope you had a good read

Sunday, December 16, 2007

i'm back! let the randomness begin..

hello you people out there in the blogging world. i know i promised to update while i was away but the ship's internet was being a *bleep* and i didn't even bother. i just got back a few hours ago so, you can see that i'm not wasting any time in bringing you randomness (and a few tid bits of updates in my life). anyway, to atone for my sin, i'm working on posts, which have been conjured up by my curiousity. so please check often cause i will be updating a lot to cover lost ground.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

top 10 crime reduction tips for students

first off i'd like to say that i'm going away to work tomorrow. i'll be gone to japan for a month or so, so this might be my last post for a heck of a while. although, i've heard that the ship i'll be on has internet connection, if that is the case i shall keep you posted with something special. the sea-log of a seaman. it'll be an account of the daily occurances while i'm onboard. so watch this space for that.
anyway, i shall leave you with this. it's a helpful guide on how to protect your home, yourself and your wheels. it's emphasis is on students but you can of course incorperate it in related situations i.e. on holiday or a shopping spree miri.
1. lock your bedroom door - even if you're only going to the kitchen or bathroom. (for people living in halls.)
2. check doors and windows are locked at night or when going out - don't assume someone else will do it. (for those who share a house)
3. make a list of your personal property including the serial number and descriptions - use an ultraviolet pen to mark electrical and other items
4. think ahead - don't walk home alone late at night - arrange in advance to stay with a trusted friend or pre-book a taxi.
5. never leave drinks unattended in pubs or clubs - when you go to the toilet, ask your friends to keep an eye on your drink. men's drinks get spiked too. if you suspect your drink has been spiked, contact a member of staff or tell a trusted friend.
6. don't show off your cash, mobile phone or laptop, or leave them lying around - never leave your bag, wallet or purse unattended and don't carry your chequebook and card together. take out protection for you credit cards and note all you card details at home, so you can cancel them quickly if they're stolen.
7. try to go to the cashpoint in daylight if possible - be aware of people standing too close to you and always conceal you PIN. if it's dark, go with a friend if you can and don't check your money in full view.
8. always lock doors, windows, the boot and sunroof when leaving your car - even if it's only for a few minutes.
9. never leave belongings in your car - even an old coat could tempt a thief if they think there might be something in the pockets. if you have to leave anything, lock it in the boot.
10. keep your car topped up with petrol - try to park in busy, well-lit areas.
that's it from me. have a good one.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

i'm back home

just a short personal post letting everyone know that i'm back in brunei for a couple of months. i hope i'll some of you around!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

the cute and the funny

just wanted to share my favourite videos of the week. they'll sure to make you go 'awwww..' and 'hahaha!'

ps: thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! wished i spent it with all of ya! ':)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

the long journey to keele

it was very stressful going to keele. i had a few major setbacks, which i can't blame but myself (hehe).

after a few times canceling on my sister about visiting, i finally decided to just go before i go home. i waited for the very last minute to buy my coach ticket in london. a few hours after that, i was all ready to go to keele when suddenly i noticed the date on my ticket. 3rd of november. i realised that that date was the next day. ':p i called my sister and told her about it. let's just say that she was not happy at all. lol.

anyway, on my long 4-hour journey, i met this really nice lady. Yvonne from poland. we talked all throughout the ride. she told me of her travels to LA, las vegas, canada and her trips in europe. she showed me pictures and i showed her my milan & german summer trip. it was fun. she was just lovely.

now, i'm here in keele. that's it from me really.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

just random

as i said before, i'm going back to brunei really soon so i decided to start packing even though i'm not even remotely sure when i'm going. i just needed to start clearing things up in my room a bit and get rid of stuff i don't need. anyway, while i was packing, i found an email i printed a while back. it was a "stepbystep instructions to luneberg! hehe" it was when i went to germany to visit during the summer break.

it was really concise and pretty helpful. but there was this one part in the instructions that just made me go "what the hell??!!"

here it is:

step 15: go to a ticket machine and there should be instructions in english. choose luneberg for one perosn. it should cost about 12-14euro.

step 16: if there happens to be no instructions in english, go to a train conductor. he'll help you, i'm sure. just point to the machine and look confused. then say "luneberg, einmal" (luneberg, one) and point to yourself. lol.

that's my precious sister folks! hahahaha!

luckily, i met these 2 really nice german girls who can't help but notice me with the instructions in my hand. they were going to the same place as i was. so, fortunately, i didn't humiliate myself.

speaking of my sister, i'm off to london tomorrow for a night, before heading off to keele to visit my lovely sister.

anyway, i leave with this picture when i was in a museum in germany. i didn't censor the naughty parts cause it's art. i'm not really an art person but i think this painting is awesome and so romantic.

two against the world
ernst ludwig kirchner

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

for the sake of updating

i'm updating for the sake of updating. no random knowledge here but random personal stuff.

exams are over, now i'm just waiting for my results before going back home. so, no date is confirmed yet. at the moment, i'm just hanging out in southampton doing zip all. i wanted to do a very journal-esq post about MIRC but problems with connecting stopped me in doing so. it's going to be an awesome post. look out for it in the near future.

speaking of posts, i was asked why i don't put personal stuff in my blog. well, in the beginning, my blog was only that but decided to change it so that my readers have something really worthy to read and not just me rambling on about myself. no offense to anyone, i just think it's a bit.. you know. so, what do you guys think? should i put in more 'a day in the life of sham' or just keep it general knowledge on random stuff?

take the poll!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

eat slow, lose weight

hello everyone! want to lose weight but can't really find the time (or the initiative) to get off your keisters and sweat? well, i found this article just for all of you lazy bums out there! did you know that you could lose weight just by eating slower?? have a read!

A growing number of studies confirm that just by eating slower, you’ll consume fewer calories — in fact, enough to lose 20 pounds a year without doing anything different or eating anything different. The reason is that it takes about 20 minutes for our brains to register that we’re full.

If we eat fast, we can continue eating past the point where we’re full. If we eat slowly, we have time to realize we’re full, and stop on time. Now, I would still recommend that you eat healthier foods, but if you’re looking to lose weight, eating slowly should be a part of your new lifestyle.

also, it will help with your digestion. If you eat slower, you’ll chew your food better, which leads to better digestion. Digestion actually starts in the mouth, so the more work you do up there, the less you’ll have to do in your stomach. This can help lead to fewer digestive problems.

another good reason to eat slower is that it will lesses your stress. Eating slowly, and paying attention to our eating, can be a great form of mindfulness exercise. Be in the moment, rather than rushing through a meal thinking about what you need to do next. When you eat, you should eat. This kind of mindfulness, I believe, will lead to a less stressful life, and long-term happiness. Give it a try.

Nov. 17, 2004 -- Eating slowly may help overweight people lose weight after all, according to a new study that tested the commonly held belief.

The study showed that overweight men and women actually ate less when they ate a slower than usual pace.

Researchers say the study shows that eating slower may assist overweight men and women in their weight loss efforts. Their results were presented this week at the annual meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity in Las Vegas.

Eat Slow, Lose Weight

In the study, 28 overweight men and women ate a lunch of chicken nuggets at their normal pace in order for researchers to establish their habitual eating pattern.

Then over the course of three lunches, researchers varied the pace of the same meal by instructing the participants to take a bite when they heard a computer beep.

In the first lunch, they ate a prolonged meal in which the pace of the entire meal was slowed by 50%. In the second, they ate a decelerated meal in which the pace of only the last half of the meal was decreased by half, and in the final meal they ate at a steady pace.

The participants were told that the computer beeping would last indefinitely and they could eat as much or as little as they wanted.

The study showed that all of the participants ate more during the steady meal than in either of the slower meals. The difference between each of the three meals was largest among the men. However, researchers say only a small number of men were involved in the study (six), and more research is needed to confirm this result.

But they say this study shows that a slower rate of eating results in people eating less, which may help them lose weight.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

house terminology 101

i love this guy. as much of a jerk he is, he's a brilliant one. the need to solve medical problems, not because to save lives, but only because he's that curious is just amazing. i love the show but nearly 80% of the time, i have no idea what they're talking about. so today, for those of you love the show, i shall share a few of the frequently used medical terms of the show and some fun facts about the show.

Differential Diagnosis:
when house and his team gather together to talk about a case, this is what it's called.
"The process of weighing the probability of one disease versus that of other diseases possibly accounting for a patient's illness. The differential diagnosis of rhinitis (a runny nose) includes allergic rhinitis (hayfever), the abuse of nasal decongestants and, of course, the common cold."

what's wrong with his leg?
He had an infarction in his right thigh.
Similar to a clot that causes a stroke if it is in the brain, a heart attack if it is in the heart and an embolism if it is in the lung, an infarction in his leg blocked the flow of blood.

It is further explained in "Three Stories" that his condition went misdiagnosed for three days causing severe nerve damage and muscle death. They wanted to amputate his leg but he opposed it. The surgery that tried to restore blood circulation and removal of dead muscle tissue left his leg permanently impaired and in chronic pain

what's vicodin?
the pills that house is addicted to. Vicodin is actually a combination of two pain relievers; acetaminophen, commonly known by the trade name Tylenol; and hydrocodone, a synthetic codeine. Vicodin is one of the most widely prescribed pain relievers and has become one of the most frequently abused.

"do a biopsy!!"
A biopsy means taking a small body tissue sample from somewhere in the body and examining it very closely under the microscope. Biopsies are usually taken during medical tests or operations. For example, you may be having an endoscopy - an examination that looks at the inside of your oesophagus (gullet) and stomach.

If your doctor sees signs of stomach ulceration, small tissue samples will be cut out and sent to the laboratory. The cells in these samples of tissue will be looked at very closely under the microscope to see if they are normal or cancer cells. If they were normal, then you would be diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. If they looked cancerous, then you would be diagnosed with stomach cancer.

Cancer cells look quite different to normal cells. They are often more primitive looking and have oddly shaped nuclei compared to a normal cell. Even so, you can usually tell what type of body cell it was originally. Doctors can sometimes tell from biopsies where in the body a cancer has started.

As you can see, biopsies are vitally important in medicine. It is virtually impossible to diagnose some types of cancer any other way. Doctors can see signs on CT scans, and when they examine you, that indicate cancer. But often, the only way to be sure is to actually look for cancer cells under the microscope.

what are their specialties?
House (Hugh Laurie) is the Head of the Diagnostics Department with dual specialty in Nephrology and Infectious Diseases. Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) is an Immunologist. Foreman (Omar Epps) is a Neurologist. Chase (Jesse Spencer) is an Intensivist (Intensive Care Specialist). Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) is a Oncologist as well as the Head of the Oncology Department. And Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) is the Hospital Administrator as well as the Dean of Medicine and an Endocrinologist (Insensitivity, Season 3, Episode 14).

a running joke of the show. it's been mentioned a thousand times in their diagnosis but it never is lupus. so, what is it?
Lupus is now recognised as an important and common illness of modern times. It is a disease in which the immune system goes ‘wrong’, becomes overactive. It can affect any organ of the body. Because the symptoms can be so diverse, including for example; fatigue, rashes, allergies, depression and kidney failure it is called the ‘great mimic’. All ages can be affected, but the commonest sufferers are young females, the peak ages being between 18 and 45. lupus still remains one of nature's grim diseases - but the outlook for most sufferers, given the correct treatment, has improved beyond recognition.

gregory house = sherlock holmes
Creator David Shore based House on Sherlock Holmes because of his ability to solve the medical mysteries of his patients. You'll find lots of similarities to Holmes, who was in turn based on a real-life doctor by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, so it's come full circle.

In addition, Holmes and House have something else in common: both are drug addicts. House is addicted to the powerful painkiller Vicodin and Holmes to injected cocaine.

The show is named after a play on words (House = holmes). House's best friend James Wilson is named after Holmes' friend James Watson.

click here for more house!

the first episode of season 4 is absolutely awesome!! one of the funniest episodes ever!

personal note: on hiatus for a week cause exams coming up. i might update if there's something really worthy to write about.

Monday, October 15, 2007

the death of our sun

i just finished watching sunshine. it's about these scientists going to the dying Sun and implant a bomb to rejuvenate it. so, this caught my attention and i had to find out more about it.

the sun at about 2% of its full brightness

that bright shining star, our sun, has been there for about 4.5 billion years ago and it is 1/3 into its life span. scientists are now predicting the following events during the remaining life of our star:
  • In the next 1.1 billion years, its brightness will increase by 10%. This will super-heat our planet as a result of a severe greenhouse effect. All of the oceans on earth will boil away and all life will be destroyed.

  • In about 6.5 billion years, our sun will double in brightness and use up all of its supply of hydrogen fuel in its core. This will cause the sun to begin swelling as it uses hydrogen from the layers surrounding the core.

  • In about 8 billion years the sun will swell to 166 times its present size. This giant star will swallow up Mercury, Venus, and maybe even our Earth. Our sun will then be what scientists call a Red Giant because it will be very large and red in color.
note: though don't underestimate the Earth. Even inside the sun it will not disintegrate and will continue in its orbit! It's just too massive to be pushed around or boiled away. Bad news for the life ON the Earth, though it's going to be uninhabitable 3 billion years before that anyway.

an illustration of earth under the Red Giant
  • After all hydrogen fuel is used, the sun will begin to use helium as its fuel. This fuel will burn very quickly and only last about 100 million years.

  • In about 12 billion years, the sun will eject much of its outer layers and become a smoldering, collapsed core that scientists would call a White Dwarf.

white dwarf

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

got tagged...

got tagged.. must answer..

Name, age and occupation.
sham, 22, student

Which schools did you go to - since kindergarten up till your current/last educational institution?
sek. rendah binturan, tutong. - sek. menengah sufri bolkiah - sek. menengah muda hashim - maktab duli - warsash maritime academy.

Favourite subjects [throughout the span of your education, e.g. you can include what you enjoyed in high school, college, AND university]. Why?
physics, maths and english.. cause i genuinely enjoy learning them.

Favourite teachers? Why?
mr pixton, my MD maths teacher. he was one of the best teachers i've ever had!

What qualities do you feel should a good teacher have?
funny and passionate about teaching their subject.

What are/were the impacts teachers have/had on you?
don't know how to answer this one.. too long..

Describe the most memorable moment/s you’ve shared with a teacher/teachers?
hmm.. i'm getting a sense that these are 'teacher's day' questions..

Have you ever thought of becoming a teacher? Yes or no? Elaborate on your answer.
nope.. i tried very hard to avoid it. and thankfully, so far so good.

If you’re working, are you still in contact with any of your teachers? Why/why not?
in contact? nope. tried to keep in contact with mr pixton but it was kinda hard.

To tag :: no one. let this rather dull questionnaire end here..

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

is king arthur real?

i have this friend, *li *m*ni (the 'A' in his name is not shown to protect his identity), he told me that king arthur was real. of course, i laughed thinking he was joking.

"i'm f*ckin' serious, dude" he said with a straight face. i remained quiet.

then i laughed louder than before. apparently, when he was a wee boy, his mommy brought him to a castle in winchester and there, they saw the legendary castle of camelot and the round table. well, today, i shall unravel the truth and myth of the mighty king, shattering my friend's dream and reveal his childhood memory was nothing but a lie.

king arthur. just a legend or a true hero?

first off, let's start with a brief 'history' of the magnificent king. king arthur was not ruling the east part of england but was more associated to cornwall. there are multiple time frames of his era, but it is around 367-734 AD. his origins is not known. some say he's british or roman. the earliest account of the reign of arthur was not documented until 200 years after the arthur era. so, this account is a long shot to the truth at best. but in 1998, this stone caused a stir.

In the north coast of Cornwall on cliffs overlooking the sea. In the 1100's this was recorded as the traditional birthplace of Arthur. In 1991 the first major excavation since the 1930's took place at Tintagel Castle directed by Professor Chris Morris of the University of Glasgow. In 1983 an excavation here found the remains of dozens of huts from the 400's. During the1998 excavation in August some evidence of a Runic inscription on a piece of rock of the 500's mentioning Arthur (Artognov) was located. The present day economy of Tintagel is closely built on the myth of King Arthur. Arthur's birth site is reputed to lie beneath the Norman castle.

the answer is not yet conclusive.

you may know the story of the sword in the stone.

"only a true king can pull this sword from the stone!" said merlin . then, a boy came and pulled it out and became king of camelot. it is said that the mythical sword could cut anything. the story doesn't just end there. according to historical accounts, he threw away excalibur when he accidentally killed a fellow knight but went on a quest to find a new sword and named it after the original.

as he was a great leader, he was also a great warrior. in a crucial battle with the invading anglo-saxons, he won the battle..... single-handedly, killing over 900 men.

now for the truth... where better to start than wikipedia.
King Arthur is a fabled Brython leader and a prominent figure in Britain's legendary history. A real individual may have been the inspiration of the legend, but later stories of Arthur are almost entirely fictional. In these he appears as the ideal of kingship both in war and peace; even in modern times he has been ranked as one of the 100 Greatest Britons of all time. Over time, the stories of King Arthur have captured such widespread interest that he is no longer identified as the legendary hero of a single nation. Countless new legends, stories, revisions, books, and films have been produced in Europe and the United States that unabashedly enlarge on and expand the fictional accounts of King Arthur.

most historians think that arthur were stories of many great leaders of the time, making him one great king. he was actually nothing more than a mere romantic story of a great king and his brave knights and round tables which was just used as a moral booster for pheasants and soldiers of the time. a big proof to this are the armours. during the alleged arthur era, weapons back then were simple. there were no knights in shinning armours on horses with metal swords. wooden spears would have been common and realistic during that period.

there's a lot more to it than what i described above but for your sake, i shall stop here. it's very long and some may find it dull.

but there was one more thing i needed to find out. what did my friend actually see when he was a kid? well, here it is...

this was just a replica of the famous king arthur's roundtable. and the king on the table is king henry VIII. kings and leaders of the knight era would use king arthur's brave stories in war cries before going into battle. so, it is not surprising that a roundtable is made to, again, boost morale.

hope you had a good read, *li!

Monday, October 08, 2007

my new toy

my last post left people wondering what i was holding in my hand! haha! i mentioned it before about several posts ago. it's a PMP (portable media player).

Featuring the highest quality screen resolution, highest quality video, touch screen, WiFi capabilities for streaming content to the device or a TV, the ARCHOS 605 WiFi is the top product in the line-up for flexibility, portability, features and price.

Touch screen


The ARCHOS 605 WiFi features the highest resolution screen (800 X 480) and highest quality screen in a PMP. Use the touch screen to easily operate the device with your finger or stylus.


Personalize your ARCHOS

Make it yours: personalize your ARCHOS 605 WiFi to fit your unique lifestyle. Abundant plug-ins and accessories are available to customize your device to work the way you do: Go online for full Web surfing, video your friends and family in action, record your favorite TV shows and movies, and share your photos.


Download content wirelessly and directly to your ARCHOS 605 WiFi via the ARCHOS Content Portal and our partners' online stores.
You can also stream movies, TV shows and music that are stored on your computer.
Your device is Internet ready! With the optional Web browser plug-in, you can surf the Web and enjoy videos from online videos sites like DailyMotion and YouTube.


Your movies, your videos


  • Store and play up to 40 movies
  • Play the most popular video format: MPEG-4, WMV, protected WMV, MPEG-2*, VOB*, H.264* (*with optional plug-ins)
  • Play the movies you shot on your camcorder


Your photos


  • Transfer your photos from a PC or most mass storage devices via the USB 2.0 high speed interface
  • Store and view up to 300,000 photos1 (JPEG, PNG and BMP formats)
  • Display slideshows with music and transition effect
  • Manage your files and folders directly on the device for a better mobility


Your TV


  • Record your favorite TV shows or series directly on your ARCHOS 605 WiFi with the optional DVR Station Gen 5
  • Easy programming with the TV Program Guide
  • Record the most video sources such as satellite/cable box, VCR, DVD player in MPEG-4 format

Your music


  • Store and listen up to 15,000 songs
  • Play the most popular music files such as MP3, WAV, WMA and protected WMA
  • Easily organize songs with the enhanced ARCLibrary
  • Customize your view by artist, album, type of music, title and create your playlist on the go

click here to find out more!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

headaches, tv & my new toy

apologies for the lack of random info updates. it's been one heck of a busy week. while everyone else's term is just beginning, mine is about to end this month. so, with that comes assignments' due dates, exams and the all studying to complete. boy.. it's wearing me out. i've been having major headaches for a number of times now. therefore, updating my blog about random stuff that you CAN live without is not on my mind at the moment.

the start of TV season isn't helping either.. a bunch of awesome shows are coming back now. i.e. prison break, heroes, how i met your mother, etc are consuming my free time. to be honest, i'm not looking forward to going back home actually.. i'm having too much fun here just rotting in my room waiting for my super fast internet to download all that goody. sweet-bitter fate..

i rarely buy things on a whim. i'm a very cautious shopper. even if i say i was to go on a shopping spree, i'd most probably end up with 2 things at the end of the day. i'm not a penny-pincher, i'm just aware of my financial situation. but when i do buy something worthy, it really is somethin worthy. feast your eyes on this beauty..

oh yes.. going on a very long trip would not be a dull experience anymore.. yessiree.. i could have a grey's anatomy marathon or just listening to music or better yet, watching music videos. have wifi hotspot? much more awesome! i'll just browse the web and watch youtube to my heart's content. isn't technology just the grandest?

i'm going to london tomorrow, so now i can try out my little miracle and see how it is. i'll have a full review of it soon.
also coming soon is a regular update on random stuff, when things calm down a bit.
later days.

Friday, September 28, 2007

10 worst pick-up lines!

i just read this article on msn. i can't believe people actually use these pick-up lines.. haha!

Pick-up lines you must avoid!

By Rosalind Cummings-Yeates

Knowing that the attraction between you and that cute person is mutual… trying trendy new restaurants… getting that rush from smooching someone for the first time—these are just a few of the perks to the single life. But, alas, there is a downside to being relationship-free: The torture of being subjected to stale, decades-old, pick-up lines is penance for all that fun. In a survey taken across a range of age groups, geographical borders and lifestyles, we have compiled the top 10 worst pick-up lines that have sullied the ears of singles everywhere. Read on, and see how many of these have been lobbed in your direction.

1. “What’s your sign?”
The epitome of cheese, this line, which has been around since the Beatles came to America, ranks as the very worst line in dating history. The fact that it’s still in use says a lot about the decay of our society’s standards and the glaring desperation of some singles.

2. “Pardon me, I seem to have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?”
Maybe this was funny around 1910 or 1915—back when the telephone was a novel appliance. It does not inspire smiles now, only scared and doomed looks.

3. “You must be a broom because you’re sweeping me off my feet.”
Maybe your dad used this one on your mom and for nostalgia’s sake, you’re bringing it out again. Nostalgia does not get you dates, only pity. “I actually had a guy say this to me during happy hour,” says Kim, a vivacious flight attendant who gets her share of pick-up lines. “I didn’t hold it against him because I don’t know how much he’d had to drink and he was cute. But if he hadn’t been cute, I would have dodged him.”

4. “Do you have a license? Because you’re driving me crazy.”
Caution! Watching too many stupid teen movies impairs your judgment. This probably sounded clever to the person who swiped it from an Annette and Frankie beach party flick.

5. “I gotta thirst and baby, you look like my Gatorade.”
Generally, comparing potential dates to food or drinks is not a winning move. “I had a guy use this one on me and I rolled my eyes and walked way,” says Susan, a marketing representative who doesn’t usually go for lines. “But a couple of weeks later, I saw this hot guy at the gym and I used that same line and it worked! I guess there are gender preferences when it comes to lines. He was really flattered, where I was insulted when it was used on me.”

6. “Are you lost? Because heaven’s a long way from here.”
Maybe angels like this one, but real women don’t.

7. “Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.”
Prayer is something that anyone who uses this tacky line desperately needs.

8. “Can I take your picture? I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas.”
This line is popular with both men and women who think references to Santa are cute and charming, which are qualities that they never possess personally.

9. “Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?”
“A stunning woman I had been staring at used this on me,” says Mark, a tawny-haired, gregarious copywriter. “I know it’s an old one but it took guts to say it. I’m afraid I happily fell for it.”

10. “Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?”
A personal favorite, this one takes a certain amount of arrogance, as well as delusion, to pull off.

here is the original post and find out the worst pick-up lines that actually worked!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

oh gravity...

this has been bothering me for a while now.. okay, here's mr plane flying merrily. the question is, will he go around the world faster going westwards than he will going eastwards because of the rotation of the earth?

i've been looking for the answers everywhere on the internet but i've found only one so far... and it contradicted ali's answer. he said that the time taken will still be the same due to the earth's gravity, making the rotation of the earth, negligible. i'm not quite sure how to explain it but i think he meant that mr plane's weight is acting with the rotation of the earth OR it's weight is just slowing it down.
the contradicting answer i found was on

The one going east will go faster for most of the ride (has the wind behind it), and with the rotation of the earth it will arrive faster, as the earth rotates east to west. One last thing, it also depends on the altitude reached and weather conditions.

note: i don't think the guy is a physicist or anything.

any physicist out there that can quench my curiosity will be much appreciated.

Monday, September 24, 2007

my youtube favourites!

as i have mentioned over and over again, i am massive fan of youtube. i spend literally hours browsing through infinite amount of videos on the fantastic video website. here are some of my favourites that i subscribe to.


christine is one of the most popular youtuber at the moment, ranking at no. 6 on the most subscribed. her videos are mostly about her Filipino parents and the people in her life. she basically just pokes fun of them in her videos. she produces, directs and even acts in all her videos with no help from anyone. her videos are watched at an average of half a million times! with the highest view at over 3 million times! funny acting, singing and the talent to play guitar and the piano are the traits that makes her popular among people online. but what over 76,000 subscribers keep coming back for more is her very lovable personality. click here for her website.


About Buck:
Michael Buckley is the host and writer of WHAT THE BUCK, the popular celebrity news program. Whether accusing David Beckham of playing with Tom Cruise's balls or warning Jennifer Hudson that Beyonce wants to kill her, Mr. Buckley is not afraid to tell stars to go Buck themselves! Buck covers all the hot topics of the week and will simply make stuff up if the real news sucked that week! You can also watch Buck on The Fizz which airs on DirectTV. Buck can also be heard on Leeza Gibbons radio show Hollywood Confidential. He is most proud of the fact that more people watch him every week than "Hey Paula".

just two words that sum it all up - very entertaining. click here for his channel.

marie digby

her name seems easy enough but to pronounce it correctly it should sound like 'mar-ee-ay'. 24th in the most subscribed musician on youtube, she's slowly getting herself known in the music industry. she's been on the radio and on tv shows singing the song that made her break, the umbrella-ella-ella song! her music talent on the acoustic guitar, her sweet voice and being drop-dead gorgeous resulted in over 1.2 million views on her video! watch out for her in the near future. for more of the japanese-american beauty, click here!


well.. where do i start with this guy.. i hate him and his videos but i just can't seem to look away.. i am a peaceful guy and i do not condone violence but whenever i see this guy's video, i just want to meet him in person and pound his head in! arrrghhhh!! a lot of people out in youtube feels the same way and yet he has over 45,000 subscribers (including me) and has a channel hit of almost 4 million times! Bernice Juach III (yes, that's his name.. don't you just want to beat him up already?) he HAD over 100 videos but i can't seem to find them now. he may have removed all of them. very fortunate for you guys. but it's not the end of daxflame. rumours have been circulating that he's just another actor like lonelygirl15. well, if he is, he's really good. if not, he needs mental help. someone please beat him up..

Sunday, September 23, 2007

my weekend

just got back from a wonderful time in london. it's good to see ali and my brunei hall buddies again. now, i can actually look forward to weekends and knowing that london is just a 3-hour coach ride is a sigh of relief. anyway take a gander at these..

ever wondered if giants are vain? apparently, they are. haha! it is actually an advertisement for a new discovery channel show. you might have heard of two very popular reality documentaries; miami ink and la ink. well, a new one is coming soon called, london ink. i'm a big fan of both ink's but i'm not sure if i'll be liking this new one. there's something about english reality shows that makes me go uggghhh.. but it's too soon for me to judge just yet.

a book that literally stopped me in my tracks on the way to london. the title just popped out and completely caught my attention. i had to have it. i had to read it.

back cover:
Clear instructions on how to do just about anything... even if it had never occurred to you to them in the first place.
  • keep a dozen roses fresh
  • clean grout without scrubbing
  • make a basic vinaigrette
  • make dreadlocks
  • read your date's body language (<- i know i'm intrigued too.. more on this soon.)
  • treat your dog's separation anxiety (not so much on this one though..)
The eHow team knows how to do just everything, and in this comprehensive reference book it shares its expertise with you. From pets to home improvement, sport to survival guide, here are 1001 solutions explaining clearly how to get the job done - and done well.

For every task there are clear step-by-step instructions, helpful tips and warnings and useful lists of things you will need to complete each task. There are also practical checklists, charts and calenders.

**warning this book is seriously addictive**

the book was down-priced from £16.99 to £4.99. addictive? really. i'll let you all know soon. hope you had a good weekend.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

"don't tase me, bro!"

according to google, this phrase is the 11th most searched for item. it is now also one of the most discussed topic on facebook (over 80 groups especially made) and youtube. here's why.


CNN september 19th

GAINESVILLE, Florida (CNN) -- It has been 48 hours since college student Andrew Meyer was stunned with a Taser during a forum with Sen. John Kerry, and some students are still in shock over what happened.
But other students at the University of Florida are already tired of hearing about it.

While about 350 students protested the incident Tuesday, the opinions on campus seem to be evenly divided over whether the officers acted properly.

On the popular online networking Web site, students from around the nation have already created more than 80 groups discussing what happened Monday. Even among those groups, the count is almost split between the number who oppose the police's action and those who support their decision.

"I was pretty horrified by what happened. I was shocked that the people we are supposed to trust would turn against us," said Vanessa Wood, a freshman who is majoring in psychology.

This is what I saw at the Kerry forum on Monday: Meyer, a 21-year-old telecommunications major, jumped up to the microphone already flanked by University

He interrupted another student's question, and although Kerry had earlier said he was taking no more questions, he told Meyer he'd take his comments next. Kerry asked the police to allow Meyer to speak.

When it was his turn, Meyer first asked about the 2004 presidential election and followed with statements about whether President Bush should be impeached.

At that moment the microphone was turned off and police began to take Meyer out of the auditorium. Meyer then started to struggle with the officers.

As they pulled him toward the exit, Meyer broke free and tried to get away. At that point, six officers tackled Meyer to the ground and told him to roll over.

He continued to yell for help and a female officer warned Meyer if he did not stop he would be Tased. He kept yelling and one of the other officers gave the order to Tase him.

The audience remained seated and watching the confrontation until they heard the loud zap of the Taser. Then several people at the event started yelling at the officers.

"I was startled by the noise, considering what was happening in front of me. And after they Tasered him there was a stench that was not overpowering but it was unsettling," said Ben Omar, a University of Florida graduate student.

The videotape of Meyer screaming as he was shocked quickly got the attention of news services and became a YouTube hit.

Campus rumors now circulate that Meyer, known as being a prankster, was simply trying to be obnoxious and get attention at the Kerry speech.

Meyer spent a night in jail on charges of disturbing the peace and resisting an officer. Later, the school's president, Bernard Machen, said two police officers involved were placed on administrative leave.

Since the incident, Meyer has kept a low profile. But other students haven't been so quiet, with Tuesday's rally protesting what the students' claimed was a case of police brutality and another rally being planned.

my thoughts on this? at first, i saw a shorter version of that video with just the police tasing the poor guy and thought that it was one of the most horrific thing i've ever seen. but i found this longer video and now i'm not sure. still, tasing him was not necessary at all. he was on the ground with 4 officers over him. he couldn't possibly do anything then.

anyway, "Don't Tase Me, Bro!" has become the newest cultural touchstone of our pop-cultural lexicon. t-shirts of the phrase are made and in hot demand.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

how to thrive the uni life

first of all, i would like to congratulate to all those received their scholarships. you all will be in an experience of a life time. today, i'll share with you the general secrets of success in the new study environment.

it's not really any different from the previous academic experience you've been through before. many things are the same only at a higher academic level. the main differences you will find are that:
  • you have more control and independence over what, when and how you study
  • understanding and critical thinking are more important than remembering.

1. get organised!
it's not like O-level or A-level, where things are just relaxing and most things are done for you. it's up to you to organise yourself and your study. you may find that all of your assignments are due at the same time, so a bit of forward planning for staggered deadlines will save a lot of panic at the last minute.

2. get yourself informed!
about things like timetables, room locations, deadlines and guidelines for assignments. it’s your responsibility to do this – no-one will remind you! your Course Handbook is your best source for what you need to know about your course of study. make sure you know where you’ve put it, or how to access it online – you’ll probably need it later in the term.

3. make notes! - lots of 'em...
getting handouts is a rarity in university classes and if you try to write down everything the lecturer says you won’t be able to focus on listening. make notes of selected points and underline the important ones to make them obvious. add any thoughts of your own that arise, but make it clear that they’re your own ideas, perhaps by circling them.

4. understanding is key
at university, it's not about how much you know, but how you understand it. that usually means knowing the major issues and debates and putting what you’ve found out about the topic into that context. it also means being able to communicate your understanding, so knowing how to structure your work and write clearly is really important.

5. leave your procrastination back home!
again, get yourself organised. lecturers give assignments with a very long deadline. you have to have a really damn good reason to not finish or extending it. of course, most of us like to do things at the very last minute and managed to do so time and time again. but in university, it's just not worth the stress and most of the time, getting a low grade in the end. do it early and do it well.

6. ask for help when you need it.
there’s a lot to get used to when you come to university, and no-one finds it all easy. one of your most important responsibilities is to yourself - to recognise when you need help and to know where to get it. there are plenty of people whose job is to help you get yourself sorted. you can talk to your personal tutor, or a Study Adviser, or a Counsellor.

7. be financially aware!
it’s a valuable habit to get into and being a student, with all the difficulties of juggling expenditure, is a good time to start practicing it. keep a log of how much money you have coming in and how you are spending it. that way you can tell exactly where your money is going and make important conclusions from it. found out you are spending the bulk of your money on study books? look at buying them second hand (ebay or amazon) or using the library.

to put it simply, just be aware of what you're spending. i've seen people buy useless things and most of the time at the spur of the moment. this is especially for newbies. not even been in uk for a day, already buying expensive stuff like brand new £25 dvd (5 of them) and £100 shoes - very foolish and unnecessary. please be a bit cautious of your spendings and don't be so iski.(very stupidly eager)

8. explore your campus!
get to know your campus quickly. it’s where you will spend a lot of your time and by acclimatising yourself to it early, you will settle in much more quickly, making those first few weeks more pleasant. you will also learn the little quirks like the most quiet place to study, or the busiest time in the canteen. by knowing about your campus you will be able to make the most of the facilities. any half-decent college/university will host plenty of free/cheap entertainment and special events. they are much better for your finances than expensive nights out round town.

9. make friends! not just from the same nation.
not really meaning to sound stuck-up or anything but you'll be in a different countries with people from around the world in uni. and you're just wasting that culture-sharing by hanging with other people who are from the same country as you. of course, i'm also not saying to completely ignore them. i'm just saying use this time to spread your wings and your social network.

consider getting to know and befriend as many people as possible, whether it be other students or lecturers. It makes acclimatising to university much more easy if you have people you can talk to and trust. it can also open up lots of opportunities. a lecturer you can comfortably talk to may be able to provide advice on your work, and it can be so much easier to do group work if you have friends on your course. freshers week is great for achieving all this as there will be so many other people in the same position as you. Look to join groups that have the same interests as yours!

more importantly, be friends with seniors. they have experience and it would be a waste to not leech out every bit of tips and tricks, whether it be in studies or any other general tips on cheap transport and food.

10. have fun!
this is an experience of a lifetime for all of you. don't waste a second of it being cooped up in a room (except when assignments are due). go out have the best safe fun of your life!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

britney spears, kid rock and the girl from highschool musical

i've never talked about celebrity gossips and mindless entertainment news (like perez hilton is famously known for) but i've been watching a lot of tv and youtube lately and here are the some that i feel like sharing.

i watched the video music awards last night. personally, i didn't like the atmosphere of the place. different parties going on in different rooms? so weird. and the usual, 'just seats' in the audience area was changed to tabled hall, made the event really quiet. but anyway, that is beside the point. the main story, which i'm sure you know by now, the legendary britney spears. describing her performance as sloth-like is a understatement of the year. it looked like she wasn't giving any effort at all. and her post-baby body was very obvious. sources say, she sobbed after her abysmal performance. not a comeback that people were hoping for. on the up side, her song was very catchy.. ok, i found it catchy. so sue me..

another big story was the whole kid rock and tommy lee fight. here's what mtv news said,

According to eyewitnesses, Lee — sitting at the same table as Diddy — jawed at Rock as he made his way toward the Bad Boy CEO, with whom he was supposed to present the show's final performance. It wasn't clear exactly what Lee said to Rock, but apparently after his words, Rock slapped the drummer, according to eyewitnesses. Lee, one eyewitness said, attempted to fight back but, before he was able to land a blow, was punched in the face by Rock.

Many inside the venue — including Jermaine Durpi — were oblivious to the fight taking place behind them. Others either tried to get out of the way as security tossed chairs to reach the outbreak or were stunned and didn't quite know what was going on.

Security quickly detained both men, with Lee being immediately removed from the venue. Rock, with his cigar still in his mouth, was held back momentarily until Lee left and calmly walked out alongside security.

"I never hit nobody for nothing before," Rock was overhead saying in the lobby of the casino. "I told him to shut the f--- up."

According to a spokesperson for the Las Vegas Police Department, Rock was cited for misdemeanor battery for his assault on Lee. Rock was not detained or taken into police custody but was issued a summons. He'll need to return to Vegas for a future court date, and if convicted, he faces a $500 fine and up to six months behind bars.

i even read somewhere that kid rock went looking for tommy in his hotel room but kicked down a door with a frightened family inside. he apologized and signed autographs for them.

okay.. i wanted to talk about your beloved highschool musical chick (dunno the name, don't care either) but my motivation for this post is gone now.. watch the video.. hehe. i love what-the-buck.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


what a title eh? i would think that'll catch your attention. this topic came about, of course, in the toilet. i was attending to nature's call when i noticed, not one.. not two.. but three guys who just left without washing their hands! they didn't even acknowledge the existence of the taps! if you're one of those people, please read on.. for the sake of your health. and while on the topic, some really fun but gross facts about the yellow liquid. i hope you're not having a drink while reading this.

why is it important?

if the fact that it's just really disgusting isn't enough, a number of infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another by contaminated hands, particularly gastrointestinal infections and hepatitis A. washing your hands properly can help prevent the spread of the organisms that cause these diseases.
some forms of gastroenteritis can cause serious complications, especially for young children, the elderly or those with a weakened immune system. drying your hands properly is as important as washing them.

when to wash?

after going to the loo isn't the only time to wash your hands. you should wash your hands thoroughly:
  • before preparing food
  • before eating
  • between handling raw and cooked or ready-to-eat food
  • after going to the toilet or changing nappies
  • after smoking
  • after using a tissue or handkerchief
  • after handling rubbish or working in the garden
  • after handling animals
  • after attending to sick children or other family members.

what is the proper way to wash our hands?
  1. use large amounts of warm, running water and liquid soap to lather hands and wrists. Scrub all surfaces of your hands and fingers for at least 15 to 20 seconds (note: this is about the same time for you to completely sing the birthday song, if that'll help you remember.) bar soaps can harbor germs which cause infection. Therefore, use liquid soap if available.
  2. rinse hands well clean, running water.
  3. rinse with hands pointing down to prevent rinse water from running up your arms.
  4. dry your hands with either a disposable paper towel or hot air. make sure your hands are really dry.
  5. shut off the faucet using the paper towel as a barrier between your clean hands and the faucet handle.

fun facts!
  • 80 percent of all infectious diseases are passed by human contact, either direct or indirect? That includes viruses like pneumonia, salmonella and the common cold.
  • urine is sterile and is safe to drink! oh yes it's true.. this is what i found..
Most people forget that urine is mostly water. Water is the filter of the human body. Waste that our cells produce, collectivley known as urea, ends up in our bloodstream. Our kidneys remove the urea, along with excess water, and the result is urine. When you drink your own urine, you are putting more water back into your system, but you are also putting in the stuff your body is trying to get rid of.

This is not bad for you at first, but if you drink no water, only your own urine for an extended period of time, the urea content of your urine will increase. It becomes difficult to urinate, painfull sometimes. But note, this is after drinking your own urine for days.
Its like using a dirty air filter. It works, but soon the filter will become more and more clogged with dust. Just like an air filter, the urine, which now must dispose of more and more waste in the same amount of water, becomes saturated. This is observable, as if you do drink your own urine over a few days it becomes darker in color. Similarly, the more water you drink, the lighter your urine is.

Astronauts on the Apollo 13 mission were stuck in space without power. For the last four days or so of their journey, they had run out of liquid water. They drank their own urine, which kept them from dehydration while they came home.

bottom line, wash your hands! it's a simple task that'll make you healthier. want to know more. click here.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

how to speed up your computer

there's nothing i hate more than a slow pc/laptop. it just gets my goat when i have to wait more than 5 seconds for a program to start up or website to completely upload on the screen. *cough! my sister's laptop* technology is supposed to be fast! and especially today with all the new high-tech chips and super-powered thinga-ma-jigs.

you might say.. "but, oh wise sham, i have owned my laptop for years now.. so, it can't be as fast as it was once before. surely, there's no way around this other than emptying my wallet/purse buying a new one, is there?"

that's where you're wrong! if your pc wasn't that slow to begin with, then there's hope. i know what you might be thinking.. sending it off to a computer store and have it fixed.. not necessarily.. you can do your own maintenance. i've had my laptop for almost 4 years now and it's not high-tech or anything either.. i'm not even going to post a picture of it because that's how un-high-tech it is.. but it still runs fine with little glitches. it's all because of good maintenance. and today, i shall share my top pc maintenance tips.

NOTE: for pc people only. for mac users (that means you maurina), look elsewhere. i can't help you here.

pc/laptop maintenace 101

1. get rid of your junks!
a full pc means a slow pc. keeping your hard disk space to more than 15% is the minimum. this is important, which i'll tell you why later. and i'm not only talking about files you saved, music, pictures, etc. the programs that you've installed and afterwards uninstalled could still be in your pc somewhere.
say for example, you've installed a game from EA games. you played it for months.. bored of it.. uninstalled it. and yet if you go to :-
  • my computer
  • then, C:
  • then, program files
you'll be surprised to find a folder named EA games with stuff still in it. sometimes, huge ones. this takes up unnecessary space. delete the whole folder. it won't matter that much. if it did, you wouldn't have uninstalled it to begin with. this is especially important to those of you who love to d/l those mini games (feeding frenzy, diner dash, burger island, etc) and uninstalled it after it expired. it's still in your pc! get rid of them!

2. a faster startup!
you turn on your laptop. went away to let it load. make a cup of coffee. finished drinking it. come back. it's still not on the finished loading your desktop. if this is you, i weep for you, you sad sad person. here's the problem...

it's the startup programs that's slowing you down. look at the bottom right at the system tray (next to the clock). if it's almost filling up your whole taskbar, that's the problem. those are programs that are running in the background. these are tiny programs that are robbing you of memory and processing power. some of them you need, while most you don’t. some of the programs you DON’T need are printer icons, CD burning icons, shortcuts to programs (such as video settings), any Instant Messaging Programs, etc. Just because these programs aren’t always running, doesn’t mean that you still can’t print, burn CDs or Instant Message. They can be run when you need them, from a shortcut. get rid of them! go to:-
  • start
  • run
  • type in MSCONFIG
  • you'll see the 'start up' tab. click on that.
  • here, untick those that you don't need right away. example: ituneshelper, adobe reader speed launch, quick time task. you might have not used it in months! so, untick those and other that you're sure you don't need.
  • click apply and on the next start up, it'll make a HUGE difference.
also, check your system tray regularly when using your pc. if you see the msn messenger icon on it even though it says you're offline, just exit it. it just sits there being useless and slows the pc down.

3. clean up your disk!
one of the simplest way to clear up the clutter and make your pc faster. go to:
  • start
  • all programs, accessories
  • system tools
  • click on 'disk clean up'
click here for a detail description of what it is but basically, it's just what it says. it cleans up your drive of any useless data you have on your pc. if you're worried that it might clean up something you still need, don't. it'll know what you need and what you won't need. there is also an option there for it to clean up 'temporary internet files'. those are data of past websites that you've visited. it kept a log so that the next time you visit that website, it'll load faster. by default, it'll already be ticked. but if you're the sort of person who can't remember website addresses and depends on the first few parts of the address and let the browser fill up the rest or you want it to load faster, untick this box. but personally, i think it takes up a huge space (in just 3 days, i accumulated about 60mb of temporary internet files ':s ) . and i just bookmark my favourite sites.

4. make your windows basic!
do you have a very impressive looking desktop? colourful backgrounds, a mouse cursor with blinking lights and colourful trails behind it, impressive visual effects and a theme that makes people go "wow.." that's good and all but is it making your pc slow?

just go back to basics people. it's pretty to look at but not very practical. below, an article i found that describes this perfectly..

By default, EVERYTHING is turned on in Windows XP. It isn’t very streamlined for performance, but rather for appearance. You can turn off a few of the unnecessary features, and Windows will still work just fine, and maybe a little faster.

To do this, right-click on My Computer and click on Properties. Click on the Advanced tab. Under the Performance section, click on the Settings button. On the Visual Effects tab, you will see a list of check boxes. By default, these are all on. You really don’t need any of them. If you choose one of the radio buttons at the top, say, Adjust for Best Performance, then all of the check boxes will turn off. This will noticeably speed up your computer. You can go through the check boxes one by one, and determine which ones you can and can’t live without. The one that will make the biggest effect is the very last one in the list. This is the Themes. If you turn it off, it will free up a lot of system resources and give you quite a bit more memory to work with, but Windows XP will look more like Windows 2000. For most people, this isn’t a problem. It is all eye-candy, anyway. Your pretty green pasture picture will disappear; your pretty green and blue buttons and task bar will go to a gray. If you can live with these things, then you will have much more performance. You will find that menus open up much more quickly and everything responds more immediately.

looks isn't everything.. especially when it comes to computers. it's the speed and functionality we want. don't you agree?

5. defragment, defragment, defragment!
i cannot stress this enough. when i see someone's laptop acting like a tortoise, i'll ask if they've defragmented it recently. i usually get a, "i de-what now?" or "no dude.. i don't have that kinda money" or "haha! that's a funny word! did you just make that up?"

here's how i like to explain what it actually is..
(NOTE: no comment necessary on the drawing. i know it's super cool.)

so okay.. here's mr pc working on your file.
then you ask it save those files. mr pc then works frantically and saves it in your hard disk as fast as he can because, that's what he does.. he tries to work as fast as his tiny processor can dish out.
BUT there's a downside to this.. the files aren't always in the same place as one huge chunk. most of the time, it's in pieces. especially big files like, programs or games you installed. mr pc does know where each parts are and when you load them up, sometimes it takes mr pc a few moments to gather everything together.
uh-oh.. here comes mr defrag-man and he is far from happy..
mr defrag-man now has to sort out the mess, so that stuff on mr pc works faster. so, the longer you haven't defragment your hard disk, the messier it is. remember when i told you you need at least 15% of free space? well, here is why.. mr defrag-man needs space to work with.. to place the separated files all together in one place temporarily while it finds a suitable place to place in, in one chunk. the best hard disk space it'll need is 25%. it'll defragment your files much faster.. here's how you do it.

a. To defragment your hard drives (in any Windows operating system), double-click on My Computer. Right-click on the c-drive and click on Properties. Click on the Tools tab and choose the bottom button, to Defragment Now… Click on the appropriate drive, and then on Defragment. This can take some time. Depending on your processing power, the amount of RAM you have available, the size and speed of your drive, and a few other things, this process can take 20 minutes, or hours. It is best to let this one run over night, as well, but it is well worth it.

it'll look something like this...
those red lines on the top bar are the mess.. and the blue lines are the neat sorted chunk of files. the bottom bar is the after picture. see how tidy it is? your pc will work much faster looking like that.

that's it from me but there are a lot of tips on how to speed up your pc. these were some of my easy ones that i very often do. questions are welcomed and i'll try my best to answer them.
click here for 10 top tips!