Friday, August 24, 2007

want to be a millionaire?

welcome to my first book review! okay okay.. stop giggling.. i do read books. anyway, for my first review, i want to share with you one of my favourite books of all time. i've read it 3 times and i'm still not finish with it.

it is The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach.

back cover:
David Bach's no-budget, no-discipline, no-nonsense system will help you finish rich AUTOMATICALLY

do you want to life rich and retire richer?
rich enough to stop worrying about money?

then start making your money work for you.

Reaching financial security is amazingly simple and easy, no matter what your income. cutting through the jargon, David Bach's common-sense advice and practical strategies will help you take control of your finances and change your life. all you have to do is follow the one-step programme - the rest is automatic!

as i've mentioned before, this book is simply amazing. it is easy as what the back cover says! i've read it and i do believe this book will work. no budgeting needed. no discipline needed. no hassle! note that this book is intended for the US, UK and other countries, which have taxes to pay. (if i'm not mistaken, we don't have taxes right? unless you count TAP as one of them.) but just ignore tax-related part, and you will definitely feel you can do everything the book says. personally, aiming to be a millionaire is a bit of a stretch but if you just want to get rid of debts and have a good financial future, this is the book for you.

the book is filled with funny anecdotes, which you will relate. it is in a language any average joe can understand. no difficult jargon in this little jewel. this book does say that it is intended for anyone but i feel people in their early 20's (just starting a career) and 30's (planning their retirement), will get the most advantage out of this book.

the book can be found in almost any bookshop under the financial section for about B$23.00 (£7.99)

buy it. read it. love it. NE.O recommended.

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