Thursday, April 10, 2008

graduation, facebook and sleepy mornings

i've been sleeping really late this week. i missed a few morning classes because of it. i don't know why i sleep late. in the mornings, i tend to be really exhausted and i know i should just take a short nap in my free periods but i end up fighting it and be online or play video games. i guess life is short and i feel that sleeping it away is a waste.. even though i know how tired i'll end up. it's 10.40pm and i'm already exhausted.. i should sleep early but chances are 2am will be my bed time.

even though it's still early to talk about graduation, the organization committee wants the guest list and payment. uggh.. to be honest, i don't feel like going. i don't feel like paying over £100 just to buy the navy shirts and jacket for one night, which i'm fairly sure is going to be dull. i'd forget about it right here and now if it weren't for my mother who's coming to the darn event. i talked to my sister about this last night and she told me it's my decision and prepare to be bleed in the ear when i decide to tell mom. haha. i'm sure my mother would kill me if i tell her how i feel. she would not understand at all.. she's the type that's like, "other people are doing it, why don't you?" uggh.. i hate that reasoning.. i don't know.. i don't feel like celebrating.

i've been on facebook for almost a week now and already people i know have been adding me up (on the first day, i had 30 friend invites!). the thing that i find both scary and cool at the same time about facebook is that you get to see what people are doing when they're on facebook. every conversations.. every wall-to-wall messages.. every picture posted.. anything. but i guess privacy is null and void when you're in one of these online community sites. so far, i don't find it as addicting as some of the people i know who can't seem to leave it for a 30 minutes! i'd check it more often if it had a blog application like multiply has. does it have one? anyone know? can't be asked to rummage through all the applications..

weekend is almost here. i need a good rest..


Anonymous said...

yo dude i'm not graduating either and i've told my rents about it.. i says to them "it's a waste of money for you to come here because i'm not over the moon about graduation". plus i don't feel the hype at all. i'd settle for going home early and having dinner with them everyday instead!


ShamNE.O said...

thanks for the advice dude.. wish i could tell her that too but she already bought the ticket without me knowing.. SHE'S hyped about it.. i think it's more towards just coming here and seeing my sister and i.. i tried telling her there's no need to come but she just took that as me not wanting her here. ':s ugghhh..