Friday, July 18, 2008

got tagged

i did say the last post was going to be my last for a while.. but it's a weekend so, i'm resting my brain from all the studying. i just got tagged and i have to oblige the tagging rule of cyberspace.

1. Do you think people will judge you by the answers to this questionnaire?

maybe but if so, i have a lot of other things to worry about than people judging.

2. What is your favourite brand for bags?

ummm.. not much of a bag guy.. but when i do buy one, i get the cool ones with a good brand on them.

3. What’s your favourite thing to do?

currently, video games, downloading old tv series i haven't watched and drawing.

4. What are your phobia(s)?

i'm afraid of open water (stop laughing). it's true! i have this fear of being in the see and fish are swimming around me.

and i'm slightly afraid of heights. i have no problem looking down from even 100 stories high up IF there's a sturdy rail between me and the edge. but if there's nothing, i'll be hugging floor..

5. How do you vent anger or stress?

take a walk or do the dishes. that'll calm me down..

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?

without money at all? of course not. but as long as i have a home and enough to make ends meat, then yeah. that's fine with me.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?

my family

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?

buy a home for myself. save most of it for the future, and spend the rest on my family.

9. If you are asked to do one house chore, which would you choose to do?

the dishes, yup i'll pick that over any chore. i hate vacuuming the most.

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?

funny, unique

11. What skill do you wish you have?


12. What type of person do you hate the most?

people who stab you in the back..

13. What is your ambition?

ambition? not sure at the moment.. just going with the flow..

14. What did you regret doing?

even though it's working out well, i still say taking this job that i have now.

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

if we're talking about objects, i have to say my awesome PC. i'd die without it..

16. If you were a car/bike what would it be?

probably my dream car, Aston Martin DB9

17. If you have a chance which part of your character would you like to change?

i guess to be a bit more daring in the dating department.. :s

18. What music have you been listening to recently?

not updated with what the kids are listening to now..

19. What is your least favourite animal?

oh, my tagger knows this one.. no need to mention it.. *cringe*

20. What is your ultimate addiction?

my current addiction, i'd say are the newest gadgets. especially, if it has anything to do with my PC.. if i can install it in there, i have to have it.

Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 friends.

i shall tag: ali amani, mash, maurina, afee, naj.. and anyone else who's willing..

i'll be back in 2 weeks with my exam results. til then, keep your fingers crossed for me..


Anonymous said...

hey sham i'm getting a new laptop.. going for a gaming one, probably a higher spec from the dell xps m1530 (look up the reviews!).. had to choose between that and an acer aspire 6920g. it breaks my heart i cant pick the latter (new model, looks sexy, bluray enabled, and multimedia centre). but the xps m1530 just wins by a long mile in gaming terms..!

inda apalah, next year when i settle down, im gonna get a gaming rig/desktop.. yar! im planning to mod the xps m1530 abit, high ram and possibly a 7200rpm hdd

excitement! suspense! thriller! happiness! its the amazing race for my new laptop?!?!


ShamNE.O said...

dude! that's awesome! i don't need to look at reviews on xps m1530.. when i was looking for a gaming pc/laptop, it was either that or the alienware m15x. xps is a good choice, in terms of gaming. never really heard about the second one.

but yeah, as you know, it's all about what you use your laptop for. if it's gaming ,1530 is the way to go by far.

awesome stuff dude. lemme see it nanti ok? :)

Anonymous said...

yayaya definitely, i just ordered it from official dell website yesterday. had abit of fun customizing.. upped the spec to 4gb ram and the hdd 7200rpm. zoom zoom weeehoo i cant wait, its gonna come in a week. btw what game you playing now? im stuck on this old game i used to play, ragnarokonline.. sampai inda te babysit yo lol

ShamNE.O said...

dude, that sounds awesome man.. i have a bunch of games on my PC. i'll be more than happy to share them with you when i get back. current games i have which i love:

Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed
Race Driver Grid

a lot more lah.. i can't remember the rest right now..

Anonymous said...

holy shat crysis? yeah i bet you do have the system to run that heavy mutha! bah just sound2 saja bila balik.. or else im going back to uk anyway, dpt ku masters ah haha antam saja tia. still london etc etc. but the best thing is, at least i get to puasa here for almost 3 weeks..

n btw, holy batman, dude u can draw!!