Thursday, August 23, 2007

why some guys aren't romantic

this is a retaliation to a post i read a few minutes ago - i said SOME okay!

i'm sure some of you ladies out there met some of the most creepiest, weirdest and down-right "pricks" of a guy. being a guy for almost 23 years, i shall unravel the mysteries of your male counterparts and explain their behaviors and what they actually mean. are they really not that romantic? or you may just misinterpreted their actions? read on ladies..

are you girls annoyed by how the guy has a personality of a doorknob? example:

girl: where do you want to eat?
guy: where ever.

girl: want to watch a movie later tonight?
guy: whatever.

girl (annoyed): want to jump off a building?
guy: whatever.

now.. this is an excellent example of misinterpretation. believe it or not, this is guy is one of the most romantic guys ever, he just doesn't come across that way. now, what he meant to say were:

guy: i'll eat where ever you, the love of my life, eats. i care only you and whatever dish you like, i will love.

guy: you decide the course of my night tonight, my love.. whether it be entertained by moving pictures on the big screen or be captivated by your smile and laughter all night.

guy: if that is how i can prove my love to you, i'll jump in a heartbeat. if my love for you is strong enough, i will walk back to you. if not, then i won't be worthy of your love.

wow.. see ladies, if he didn't melt your heart, i don't know what will. the person also wrote that the weirdest gift she had received from a guy was a plastic full of rambutans. i can't say that it's romantic but to be fair, it is unique. it means that he's very cultured and that he thinks about his gifts. i mean really.. what are you going to do with a dozen roses? you can't eat it and it'll wilt in a few days anyway, right?


hahahaha! okay okay, the rambutan gift was stupid. that bit was just hysterical. i admit, some bruneian guys out there have no idea how to be a gentleman at all and some are such jerks. but seriously ladies, don't be too hard on us. we are trying our best here. it's not easy being the one who approaches. personally, i think in this whole dating scene, girls have it easy. they just smile at a guy and he's hooked. but us guys, we have to work hard for it. (i'm sure there will be retaliation posts from girls all over brunei now..)

let me know what you think. make a post and let me know.


Mashes said...

rambutans?? hahahaha. funny~

Anonymous said...

If a guy said that to me, I think ill laugh in his face haha

The rambutans I said no to, I dont eat rambutans and I dont eat roses either :P

Smile at a guy then he's hooked? I should try that sometimes, belari x ia sebatu.

Permission granted.

ShamNE.O said...

mash: yup.. rambutans.. more red than roses, rambutans. i think that's what the guy was going for. haha!

snowshoed: you'll laugh in his face? aww.. poor guy. you're not the romantic time eh? awesome. a bunch of curious readers coming your way! haha!