Thursday, February 21, 2008

how many drinks would kill you?

a friend of mine told me something really interesting the other day.

"did you know that if i drink 160 cans of red bull, i'd die?" he said, as he sip the energy drink.

of course, this caught my attention and needed to find out more.

personally, i'm not much of a caffeine-junky. i don't need a cup of coffee or chugging down a red bull to start the day. in fact, i very rarely drink coffee.. probably 10 times in a year? so yeah.. but i do, however, love diet coke (that's why i drink as much as i can here before going home cause brunei only has coke light and no, they are not the same). my favourite drink - that and pepsi max. can't get enough of it. it has caffeine but not enough to give me a sudden boost of energy.

note: these figures are of how much you have to have in your system to actually be lethal. it's not like having more than 160 red bull in a year or a month or even a week would kill you. but you have a good chance of feeling very sick having 60 red bulls in a day. you'll definitely pass out before even reaching the lethal dose. but please people.. don't be stupid to even try it. ':s

2nd note: the figures vary for each person. some have a high tolerance for caffeine.

coca-cola - 371 cans and you'll keel over.

diet coke - 284 cans and goodbye to you..

sprite / 7-up / tonic water - no caffeine in it but you could get killed by sugar intake though.

chocolate milk - 2556 cups and you're done for..

instant coffee - 224 cups and you'll be so awake that you won't ever get up!

mac donald's large coffee - 88 cups (now that's kinda doable.. very scary ':s)

starbucks' grande coffee - just 39 cups (holy fudge.. even more scary)

instant tea - 492 cups and you'll be walking into the light

there it is.. still craving for a cup/can to get through the day? ':)

there were a lot of drinks and even food to list here. go to the website and input your weight and the item you want to know how much to kill you.


Mashes said...

...ok. SCARY :P

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... it seems that your friend is indeed a very very established and clever individual. He's such a legend, dont u agree. :P

biased as it may seem, this lastest post is definitely my favourite. hehe. :D

margahayu said...

is that true ..??
