Monday, February 04, 2008

how to flirt

i mentioned a few months ago that i bought a fantastic book - eHow: how to do just about everything. to be honest, i haven't even cracked it open - until now. i was glancing through the index and found that there a lot of really good stuff in it. for example, a step-by-step guide on how to flirt.

this caught my attention because, ofcourse, i don't how to flirt. i'm just too shy to do that. *notices a topic on how to overcome shyness in the index*

i think i mentioned this before but one time, a girl i never met flirted with me and you know what i did? i turned red, smiled and walked away.. uggghh.. smooth mr. lover boy..

so if you're not a natural flirt like me read on!


1. be confident -it's the magical charm that makes other want to get to know you.

2. smile, smile, smile.

3. think playful thoughts when gearing up to flirt. flirts are fun and engaging, and they love to play with others.

4. compliment a stranger or acquaintance on his or her clothes, eyes, smile or sense of humour, for starters.

5. keep your body language open and inviting: make eye contact, lightly touch the person's hand or arm when telling a stroy, toss your head back when you laugh. (personal note: i think this is a bit much.. especially the laughing like a maniac bit. ':s but a good tip: if you can't look a person in the eyes, stare at a point between the eyebrows. they can't tell.)

6. initiate stimulating conversation. at a loss for words? ask open-ended questions about the flirtee's job, home town, family, recent films seen or thoughts about a painting on the wall.

7. open up about yourself, giving some even more reason to like you. but don't go on and on - the goal is to engage and intrigue, not bore.

8. gauge the person's interest carefully. if you sense a red light - or worse, smug ridicule - make your exit graciously and immediately. you've got nicer people to meet.

9. progress in your flirtation, paying attention to cues from the object of your interest. if you perceive a sensual or sexual connection, make a bold move - ask for a date.

tips: avoid negative body language, such as crossing your arms, scowling, appearing overly stressed, looking downwards or walking in a hurry when you don't really need to.
give yourself time to learn the types of conversation starters that work for you. practise flirting wherever you can - at a local shop or laundrette, or with your friends.

warning! sexually suggestive remarks or touching is inappropriate among colleagues. keep any office flirting innocent at all times.

for more wonderful tips of just about everyting click here ->
go get 'em tiger!

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